
107 Audio Reviews

65 w/ Responses


I absolutely love this one!!!

Man, this brings me baaack! Great cover! Lol I'm loving that weird "bird-ish" like sound at 00:44 kind of reminded me of another movie, but can't seem to remember its name... Also that bubbly bass instrument is sick! What is that??

Anyways, this was a total joy to listen too! Specially this days that Force Awakens is so close to being released >:)


Hope you have a great holiday my friend! Cheers!!!


sorohanro responds:

Thanks for the very nice review.
The arrangement I made for 3 trumpets, 1 trombone, bass guitar and tambourine. The weird "bird-ish" sound is a trumpet wit a wah-wah mute playing "frullato"(or flutter-tonguing, when you say "rrrrr" while you play). The bubbly bass is a normal bass guitar (ok, it's a fretless) with an auto-wah/ auto-filter blended with me hitting with the palm on the trombone mouthpiece.

Nice and soothing!

I'm really starting to like this track as I listen to more of it! It just puts me in a peaceful state, transports me to a night I parked for a long time in the woods near my gfs house just looking at the stars and enjoying the peace and quite of the night.

Thank you for bringing that memory back!

Peace man!



Man, this is really cool! I'm loving the smooth funk guitar harmonics! And that bass!!! Oh my! The bass entering at 00:48 is PHAAAAT!

Now there's something I didn't expect, those power chords really give this tune a badass feeling! I can totally see this being played in some kinda heist movie or action flick!

Playing this in a loop for 10 minutes now and still enjoying d(^^)b

Keep on bringing them man!



Awesome!!! :D

Loving the 8-bit style all-around! You got some pretty amazing riffs there, congratulations on the excellent composition skillz!

You truly deserve to get your work out there and be recognized! I would love to play an adventure videogame to this track, particularly an extremely riveting boss battle! :)

Keep up the great work!



tripledigit responds:

Thank you so much! I'm glad you enjoyed it!

Great mashup! Thank you for using my music ^^

Great tribute!

Only thing I would change is probably the vocoder thing you got going on, it sound kinda misplaced in some parts of the song, like when the guitar chords are playing, you should remove them from those parts, but it sure sound great for the calm/quieter bits.

Outstanding work as always!


Great track man! Sounds like you got inspired by the works of Daniel Kandi, I really like it, its very hopeful.

Just about everything in the mix sounds in its right place to me, so no complaints over here, just enjoying the listen B]

Keep on bringing the music!


TerraNation responds:

Yea Daniel Kandi is big inspiration for me check out my other track its sort of abit same call slider but prolly even better idon't know :)

Nice one!

I'm really digging the Arabic vibe with the psytrance beats! I actually made something similar a while back, mixing Middle-Eastern influences with techno, its called Through the Masters Gate if you feel like checking it out lol, but the mix isn't nearly as gold as this one ;D

My only complaint is that the track seems a bit "unresolved" if that makes any sense. You're taking us through this amazing trip all the way and it seems to me like it ends a bit too sudden, just like that, no climax, to resolution, that left me wondering if this was just some kind of work in progress (which I hope it is btw), or you simply rushed the production of this track.

Either way, its a great tune and its definitely going into my favorites list :)

Nice work!


Simply WOW man!!

You've definitely come a long way from that D&B artist wanna be kid, this ismind blowing, I can't really think of anything to say since this is not quite my area (and since I feel like half mah brain is missing XD), but I'm just gonna say GREAT WORK!

And definitely keep it up, this is your thing man!


Quarl responds:

lol, dnb artist wanna be kid. We all have to start somewhere, right?

One of my favorites!

First of all lemme say I love the tittle of this track, how its so accurate and direct to its audience, this wasn't made for kids who just go around expecting to be blowned away during the first 10 seconds of a track by flashy sound effects and soulless generic tunes, you have to actually LISTEN to get into it and to really appreciate the soundscapes in it.

The vocals were awesome, I didn't quite understood what you did there though XD But definitely sounded sexey :P

My only complaint is that it feels like the track just ended... like that, it definitely lacks of resolution, that part (at the end) felt more like a build up to something, and then just suddenly "..." I was like wtf??? Is it buffering or something? Well I don't blame you man, it was probably the lack of time like in most cases (including mine), but I would definitely like to hear more of this, hope you finish it eventually :)

Best luck in the competition!


InvisibleObserver responds:

Thanks on the comment on the title. I wouldn't go so far as to say I'm good at titling (it certainly doesn't feel like it when I'm doing it), I probably put a lot more time into it then some people. I think my friends probably get a second perspective on title names since they do usually relate to my life or mood in some way. That being said, I can't stand fluffy emotional song names that deal with the weather, space, or weird metaphors for describing girls. So I try to keep things ambiguous so to be varied in possible disambiguation.

As for this one in particular, you've certainly picked up on a double entendre present. :P

Vocals in short... took a small sample. Trimmed it, fit it to beat, mixed it in. Then exported it, put it in as a sample to be played and stretched around (just easier for me to process instead of having a million audio clips). Then autotuned it with some more mild mixing.

Track just ending... 2 weeks isn't enough time for me to fluff this out in its entirety. Lot of detail, and my computer is riding like 95% cpu usage when playing this. NGADM I've thought would be a good motivator to keep up producing speed, which I can use things from it for my album I'm working on, so it will be further completed and released.

Thanks for the comments and luck wishing.

At a base level everything is a form of oscillation between two fundamental states




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